
Marianne has contributed to and written several books on the topics of Personal Agility, Leadership, Teams, Women in leadership and Adaptive HR. You will find direct links here on how to purchase these books.

Leadership Fit For The Future Of Work

Leadership is complex. Leading in today's complex and fast changing work environment requires a new and different set of mindsets, skills and practices. Short programs and quick fixes no longer work and traditional leadership models are not adequately preparing leaders for the complexity and ambiguity they face in the workplace. Leaders find themselves and their teams overwhelmed and burnt out and in an environment of low trust that is neither energising nor engaging.

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Knowing Your Superpowers Is the Key to Your Success in a Changing World

People in the new world of work often find themselves lost in a world that changes fast and requires constant learning and change. But you do not need to be a victim of this change. Instead you can develop key mindsets and behaviours (let’s call them human superpowers) that can help you thrive instead of survive the challenges.

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Maturing Leadership

How Adult Development Impacts Leadership

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Adaptive HR: Impactful HR for the New and Virtual World of Work

Developed more than 20 years ago, current HR models are no longer relevant in the new world of work. If HR is going to provide the value and impact needed right now, a holistic reframing of the function, its purpose, capabilities, delivery and impact is needed!

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